Pre-launch of a new call for proposals in June 2020: discover the latest updates!

Fonds d’accélération des collaborations en santé (Health Collaboration Acceleration Fund)

May 27th 2020 – To stimulate economic recovery in the life sciences sector, the Government of Quebec is making changes to the Fonds d’accélération des collaborations en santé (FACS) and inviting actors of the ecosystem to collaborate by launching ambitious projects that meet the practical needs of Quebec’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

New objectives

This second call for proposals aims to support structuring initiatives that foster economic recovery. For example, they should:

  • Increase the maturity and competitiveness of innovative SMEs in the life sciences sector at the national and international levels;
  • Strengthen the sector’s innovation chain by accelerating and improving the efficiency of processes enabling the development and maturation of innovations from Quebec companies;
  • Expand or strengthen a high-potential niche market;
  • Attract private and foreign investments.

Nature of initiatives

  • The projects must:
    • be supported by at least four Quebec partners from the public, private and non-profit sectors;
    • be geared towards the needs of Quebec SMEs, which will be required to take an active part in the project;
    • demonstrate the complementarity of the proposed activities with those already carried out by organizations active in the ecosystem.
  • Emphasis will be placed on the structuring and collaborative nature of the initiatives in order to foster the growth of Quebec’s life sciences industry.
  • R&D activities are not mandatory for the projects submitted. However, should they include such activities, the results must generate impacts that go well beyond the advancement of knowledge.

Available funding

  • Allocated funds range from $5 million to $10 million per project. Projects must be completed within three years or less.
  • The Government’s contribution may represent up to 50% of eligible expenses.
  • Matching funds equal to 50% or more of eligible expenses must be provided by industrial partners.

Key dates to remember

Launch of call for proposalsJune 2020
Submission of the short applicationAugust 19, 2020
Submission of the full applicationNovember 18, 2020
Start of projectsNo later than July 1st, 2021

The Government will rely on CQDM’s expertise in the implementation of the FACS. The call for proposals guide will be available on the Government’s website in June 2020. Check the Government’s web page for updates or follow the CQDM’s social media profiles to keep posted on the launch!

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