Our funding program dedicated to the development of innovations from research centres and business across Canada, in collaboration with large biopharmaceutical companies.
Next selection round: February 20th, 2025
Contact us for more information: [email protected]
CQDM’s funding program for Quantum Leap biopharmaceutical research helps Canadian SMEs and universities undertake innovative translational R&D projects in collaboration with large biopharmaceutical organizations. The chosen projects aim to develop cutting-edge technologies with a potentially significant impact on the R&D activities of CQDM biopharmaceutical members. Quantum Leap projects are undertaken in close collaboration and with expert support and funding from our pharmaceutical members.
Enabling technologies, pioneering platforms and/or innovative therapeutic methods developed should seek to improve, facilitate and/or considerably accelerate the discovery and development process for safer, more effective drugs. The technologies in question target all stages of drug development and cover a wide range of therapeutic indications.
Projects are expected to generate tangible deliverables to be used by CQDM’s pharmaceutical members, once the project has been completed. Funded research offers researchers a perfect opportunity to secure future collaborations with the industry worldwide.
Quantum Leap is open to all Canadian SMEs and public research institutions.
Funding program for biopharmaceutical research
Minimum 1 year, maximum 3 years
General funding parameters
CQDM will assess funding applications for Quantum Leap biopharmaceutical research within the framework of the program, provided that you comply with the following parameters:
- Projects considered have a varying budget, usually between $500,000 to $1,500,000. As an exception, CQDM may assess applications over this limit when justified.
- Financial aid granted by CQDM usually represents one-third (1/3) of the total budget; however, the funding value and percentage may vary depending on the nature of the project in question. Therefore, we strongly advise contacting Jesse Paterson, Senior Director of business development, to discuss your project and funding arrangements.
- CQDM’s pharmaceutical members are expected to commit to providing financial support representing around one-third (1/3) of the project’s value.
- The candidates are responsible for raising the necessary counterpart funds for the project. Where possible, CQDM can offer help to candidates.
- CQDM has several partnerships with national and international organizations that can potentially co-fund certain projects. Preliminary discussions with CQDM could, among other things, allow you to maximize contributions from different partners in order to fund biopharmaceutical research projects
- Candidates with a guaranteed funding commitment, whether this is from a private, semi-private, or not-for-profit public organization, may have an advantage over others.
- Funding may come in the form of a grant or investment.
- The amount requested must be specifically justified, and will be analysed in-detail by CQDM.
- Grants, salaries and social benefits for research staff working on the project (technicians, assistants, and research associates, post-doctorates and students);
- Equipment, consumables, and laboratory supplies, as well as platform and animal fees
- Travel fees (travel for the project, collaborations, conferences), and fees associated with the dissemination of knowledge;
- Costs associated with intellectual property (patent applications, patent maintenance fees for the duration of the project).
- Purchase or rental of small pieces of equipment with a maximum value of $25,000
- Some expenses are allocated for payments made to subcontracted businesses that are not project partners when the activity is essential to the project and cannot be performed by the research institution or SME.
The following expenses are not eligible:
- Rental (or purchase) of equipment with a value over $25,000.
- Salary of the principal researcher and associated researchers at universities, as well as their affiliated research centers.
Call for projects Quantum Leap is available all year round.
The deadline to participate in the next selection round is May 30, 2024.
- Fill in the summarized non-confidential form.
- Submit the form via email ([email protected]), at any time. Feel free to contact Jesse Paterson, CQDM’s Senior Director of business development if you have any questions.
- The summarized non-confidential form for the Quantum Leap project will be shared with CQDM’s pharmaceutical members.
- A group of candidates will be invited to record a video presentation describing their Quantum Leap project, which will also be shared with CQDM’s pharmaceutical members during CQDM’s general shareholder’s meeting.
It is important to note that the Quantum Leap program’s objective is to establish close ties between candidates and representatives of one or several of CQDM’s pharmaceutical members. Therefore, candidates may be expected to work with the pharmaceutical members’ representatives to develop the final project and the experimental design.
Only the projects selected by a CQDM member to receive funding will be invited to submit a comprehensive and confidential application including all additional information required, responding to comments, concerns and questions posed by the interested pharmaceutical members.
Projects pre-selected by a CQDM pharmaceutical member will be assessed by external experts depending on whether they comply with the following criteria:
- Impact on the potential development of new drugs
The potential to bring about a real, considerable change in drug research and development to meet the critical needs of the biopharmaceutical field. - Scientific excellence
The importance and innovative aspect of the research project, the quality of the experimental plan. - Feasibility
The technology’s current development status, preliminary data, milestones, and clear and defined deliverables of the research plan and Gantt chart, effective management of the research team and project. - Positioning and competitive advantage
The innovative nature of the proposed technology, identification of the most relevant competitor technologies (existing or under development) with the same goal as the proposed project (for which the approach may be similar or different), the perceived benefit of the proposed technology compared to international competitors and its ability to transform the field of biopharmaceuticals. - Marketing potential
The ability to fulfil the biopharmaceutical needs, the suitability of the technology’s development and maturation plan required to roll it out to potential users, including the main milestones (new approval, extrapolation, industrial regulations, strategic roll-out, etc.), the funds needed at each stage, and the anticipated marketing schedule. - Quality of the business plan
if applicable (for SMEs). - Economic benefits
The potential economic benefits for all interested partners, including alignment with SMEs’ corporate objectives, allow them to set themselves apart in a highly coveted market. - The research team (principal researcher and associated researchers)
Team quality and relevance, symbiosis, and synergy of project partners.
Following submission of the full, confidential application of a proposal, subject to a CQDM pharmaceutical member being interested, an assessment process is initiated. The main stages are:
- External and independent scientific assessment, according to the aforementioned criteria.
- Verification conducted by CQDM which will identify whether non-scientific aspects of the project could harm the outcome, such as intellectual property, potential ethical issues, difficulty recruiting patients (if applicable), business issues (for private businesses), project management, or other risk factors.
- Assessment and final recommendations from CQDM to the board of directors.
- CQDM Board of Directors’ final selection.
Licensing policy for the biopharmaceutical research funding program
The candidates chosen must sign a research agreement with CQDM in the 3 months following funding confirmation. This research agreement details the exact milestones, completion dates, (Gantt chart), and project deliverables. The latter must be signed by all parties involved.
The research agreement includes a section on intellectual property and licensing policy, in accordance with the following principles:
- According to CQDM rules, intellectual property belongs to researchers, pursuant to current policies in the research entities where the project is undertaken.
- Normally, participating CQDM biopharmaceutical members(s) will receive privileged access to the technology, results or inventions derived from it. The main conditions of the end user licence are negotiated before the start of the project, taking into account existing intellectual property and each party’s contribution.
- However, most of the time, participating CQDM pharmaceutical member(s) will receive a non-exclusive licence, for the purpose of research and development, with the option to negotiate other licences for the purpose of exclusivity or for the purpose of marketing.
Please note that submission of a Quantum Leap application does not constitute a commitment in terms of licences or conditions.
For any questions regarding the eligibility of your project, please contact Jesse Paterson, Senior Business Developpement Director, at the following address: [email protected]