CQDM operates through its representative bodies: the Board of Directors and its committees, officers, members and other representatives.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors and its five sub-committees are largely responsible for the governance of the biopharmaceutical research consortium. Members of the Board meet four times per year and oversee the sound management of the biopharmaceutical research consortium. They ensure that financial matters are dealt with carefully and independently, in compliance with the selection criteria of each funding program maintained by CQDM.

Members of the Board of Directors represent all stakeholders of the biopharmaceutical research consortium and draw on their extensive experience to help CQDM maximize the impact of funded projects and reach its objectives.



Former – President, Chief Executive Officer,
Exactis Innovation


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Vice President, Policy and External Affairs,
Merck Canada

Pierre Cote

Global Senior Director, Medical, Science, Strategy for Specialty Care
Sanofi États-Unis

Michele DElia

Executive Director – Medical and Scientific Affairs,
Roche Diagnostics

Diane Gosselin

President and Chief Executive Officer,


Managing Director,
Lumira Ventures

Rafi Hofstein

Former – President and Chief Executive Officer,
Toronto Innovation Acceleration Partners (TIAP)

Carole Jabet

Scientific Director,
Fonds de recherche du Québec

Sarah Jenna Headshot scaled

Director General, 
QV Studio

Steven Klein

Chief Business Officer,

kpastor photo 1

General Partner,
CTI Capital


Corporate Director

Jorge Puente

Co-Founder and Managing Partner,
Pleasanton Pharma Ventures

Philippe 2

Chief Scientific Officer,

Honorary Member

Chief Scientist of Quebec


Strategic Projects Coordinator
Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie du Québec (MEIE)

Director of Collaborative Research
Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie du Québec (MEIE)


Lawyer, Partner,

Other committees

The Executive Committee meets regularly to settle specific aspects of the biopharmaceutical research consortium’s business activities.


Co-Founder and Managing Partner,
Pleasanton Pharma Ventures


Executive Director – Medical and Scientific Affairs,
Roche Diagnostics

Chief Executive Officer,
Exactis Innovation

President and Chief Executive Officer,

Former – President and Chief Executive Officer,
Toronto Innovation Acceleration Partners (TIAP)

Scientific Director,
Fonds de recherche du Québec

Chief Business Officer,

The Audit Committee is a sub-committee of the Board that meets at least twice per year to review the financial statements and receive notification of any errors or misstatements contained in financial statements from the external auditors.


General Partner,
CTI Capital


Chief Executive Officer,
Exactis Innovation

Managing Director,
Lumira Ventures

Co-Founder and Managing Partner,
Pleasanton Pharma Ventures

The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee ensures that the best resources and members are supporting the structure and governance of the biopharmaceutical research consortium. The Committee oversees the recruitment, resignation and replacement process of new Board members. Its ultimate goal is to help CQDM focus on executing its strategy, while leveraging the experience of the Board.


Former – President, Chief Executive Officer,
Exactis Innovation


Global Senior Director, Medical, Science, Strategy for Specialty Care
Sanofi États-Unis

Former – President and Chief Executive Officer,
Toronto Innovation Acceleration Partners (TIAP)

Co-Founder and Managing Partner,
Pleasanton Pharma Ventures

The Scientific Advisory Board was established by the Board of Directors and is composed of experienced, independent scientists. The members review all external scientific evaluations obtained by CQDM, ensure that projects selected for funding meet all criteria, and present their recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Scientific Advisory Board is why CQDM can attest to maintaining a stringent selection process that maximizes positive R&D impacts for its members.


Biotechnology Consultant,
BJU Consulting


President and Chief Executive Officer,

Advisor, Industrial Partnerships,
Quebec Ministry of Economy and Innovation (MEI)


PMT (Personalize my Treatment) Director,
Exactis Innovation

Executive Vice President Discovery
Repare Therapeutics

Vice President of In Vitro Pharmacology
Deerfield Discovery and Development, LLC

Executive Vice Rector and Vice Rector, Human Resources and Finance
Université Laval

Biotechnology Sr. Advisor

Senior Scientist
Princess-Margaret – University Health Network

Life sciences consultant

Vice President | Research, Discovery, and Innovation
ASN Alliance for Kidney Health

Entrepreneur In Residence
National Institutes of Health & FACIT/OICR