CQDM welcomes the update of the Quebec Life Sciences Strategy

Montreal, Quebec, May 13, 2022 – CQDM is delighted with the measures announced as part of the updated Quebec Life Sciences Strategy, unveiled yesterday by Minister Fitzgibbon at the Effervescence event. The Strategy has a total budget of $211 million, including $110 million in new funding for the 2022-2025 period.

The measures set out in the strategy clearly demonstrate the importance the Quebec government attaches to the development of the life sciences sector. In this respect, the measures announced fall under 5 main headings:

  • Generating synergies to meet major healthcare challenges ;
  • Developing human capital and attracting talent;
  • Supporting the creation and growth of innovative businesses;
  • Attracting and implementing investment projects;
  • Stimulate the marketing of investment projects.

CQDM is particularly pleased with the emphasis placed on supporting research collaborations, attracting and training the next generation of talent, and creating and growing innovative companies, all of which are necessary tools to increase the sector’s level of competitiveness.

“Thanks to its proximity to major pharmaceutical companies and a network of over 1,700 researchers and nearly 100 SMEs, CQDM has a front-row seat to witness the many spin-offs from multidisciplinary and public-private collaborations. CQDM offers its support to the Quebec government in implementing the new measures announced in the Quebec Life Sciences Strategy,” says Diane Gosselin, President and CEO of CQDM.

About CQDM

CQDM is a biopharmaceutical research consortium whose mission is to fund the development of innovative technologies and tools to accelerate the discovery and development of safer, more effective medicines. CQDM brings together the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, several Canadian biotech companies, top researchers from the public and private sectors, and the governments of Quebec and Canada. CQDM’s collaborative approach meets the need for innovation funding in both the academic and private sectors, particularly in the early stages of research.

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For further information

Diane Gosselin, President and CEO
[email protected]

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