CQDM, RejuvenRx and the fond Partenariat de l’Université de Montréal fund a research project promoting cellular rejuvenation.
Montreal, April 9, 2024 – CQDM is proud to announce the funding of a collaborative research project led by Guy Sauvageau, Anne Marinier and RejuvenRx. Funding for this collaborative research project, for a total amount of $3,697,199, is made possible thanks to a grant from the ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie of the Government of Québec (MEIE) awarded by CQDM of $1,497,629 and financial support from Quebec company RejuvenRx, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the fond Partenariat de l’Université de Montréal.
Certain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, are responsible for cellular aging. The aging is irreversible and can have several causes, including epigenetic modifications. These modifications are described as insertions, permanent or not, of molecules in the DNA sequence and its surrounding proteins, which can activate or deactivate gene expression. This will have an impact on the natural elimination of dysfunctional proteins, as well as on the production and use of the energy required for cells to function properly. Guy Sauvageau and Anne Marinier previously discovered and developed a molecule that can be a potential therapy against cellular aging. However, as this is not available for oral intake, the aim of this project is to define and develop derivatives to test their effectiveness in animal models. Since Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases present these characteristics, this molecule could become a preventive or restorative therapy for cognitive functions. The quality of life of the patients concerned would then be greatly improved.
During this collaborative project, the research team and the Quebec company RejuvenRx will work together to better understand aged-related diseases and will try to create new therapies that will benefit the Quebec and world population. RejuvenRx will become a leader in the development of stem cell-based therapies for age-related diseases. This innovative and groundbreaking project will position Quebec as a leader in the field.
“Our government is continuing to build a strong and innovative Québec life sciences industry by supporting partnerships like this one. Collaboration between research organizations and companies is the key to successful healthcare projects. », said Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy, Minister responsible for Regional Economic Development, and Minister responsible for the Metropolis and the Montreal Region.
« CQDM facilitates this innovation by consolidating and supporting collaboration between the various stakeholders, which will allow for a better understanding of several diseases associated with an aging population. Age pyramids around the world clearly demonstrate the need to consolidate research in this field, and we are proud to support Quebec’s leadership in this area. » underlines Diane Gosselin, President and CEO of CQDM.
About RejuvenRX
RejuvenRx Inc. is an emerging biotech company developing new therapeutics that focus on stem cell biology, which is central to several medical conditions such as aging and cancer. Supported by an innovative platform identifying stem cell therapeutic targets, the company is building a solid pipeline of transformative drug discovery programs, exploiting molecular glue modalities or more conventional inhibition approaches to “adding years to life and life to years” for patients.
About CQDM
Facilitator of biopharma innovation
CQDM is a not-for-profit biopharmaceutical research consortium whose mission is to support and facilitate multi-stakeholder collaborative research and development aimed at accelerating the translation of innovative technologies into solutions that address unmet medical needs, while generating significant benefits for the Quebec and Canadian economy. For more information, please visit the website: www.cqdm.org
Media Contact:
Carl Baillargeon
Senior Director – communications and marketing
514 926-9196