CQDM will be in Quebec City on October 10 to present its financing programs

The 29th Life Sciences Success Conference “Inspiring Success Series: Optel, technologies for a better world” will take place on October 10, 2018. It’s an information session on funding programs in Life Sciences and Health Technologies. CQDM will present these funding programs.

You can access conference details by clicking here.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 2018Optel – Quebec City Technology Park
2680 Boulevard du Parc Technologique, Quebec City, QC G1P 4S6
14h00 à 16h00Information session on Life Sciences and Health Technologies funding programs
 The partners will unveil the financing programs available to Quebec City-area life sciences and health technology companies.
14h00 à 14h15Office of Innovation: Mr Paul L’Archevêque, Head of the Office of Innovation for the MSSS
14h15 à 14h30CQDM : Mme. Diane Gosselin, PDG
14h30 à 14h45Quebec City: Mr. Jacques Vidal, Director of Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
14h45 à 15h00Question period
15h00 à 15h30NÉOMED in Quebec City: Ms Patricia Escoffier, Director of Scientific Affairs
16h00 à 19h00Success stories – Louis Roy (Optel)
 16h00 à 17h00Guided tour of Optel
 17h05 à 17h45Successful conference: Optel, technologies for a better future A visionary engineer and citizen of the world, Louis Roy is an ambassador for corporate social responsibility and an inspiring role model for entrepreneurs. In 1989, after studying electrical engineering and physics at Laval University, Louis Roy founded Optel Vision. His company, now called OPTEL, is the world leader in inspection and traceability systems. These systems enable the implementation of intelligent supply chains, highly useful in the medical device and pharmaceutical industries, to ensure product authenticity and safety.
 17h45 à 19h00Networking Coquetel

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