CQDM SynergiQc program now includes an additional section on breast cancer, in collaboration with the Canadian Cancer Society

As part of its SynergiQc program and in addition to its regular and ongoing call for proposals, CQDM is pleased to inform the Quebec research community of the launch of a targeted Call for Proposals focused on breast cancer research.

Thanks to a partnership established with the Canadian Cancer Society, up to $5M will be available to support research leading to advances in the prevention, diagnosis and /or treatment of breast cancer. Through collaborations between academic researchers and industrial partners it is anticipated that research findings will rapidly accelerate progress towards improved outcomes for patients and a reduction of the burden of breast cancer.

The Call for Proposals and the Application Form can be downloaded from the CQDM website under Programs/SynergiQc.

Please contact Marc Thibault, Director of Business Development, for any questions you may have regarding the SynergiQc program (mthibault@cqdm.org)

The new deadline to submit an application is now October 5th, 2018.

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